How Measured Saved 30% on Operational Costs By Simplifying Prescription Workflows with Photon
Photon helped reduce time spent on Rx tasks by 90%, enabling Measured to grow its impact without increasing support costs.
Photon helped reduce time spent on Rx tasks by 90%, enabling Measured to grow its impact without increasing support costs.
Without changing their workflow, providers can leverage Photon to help patients fill prescriptions with ease and transparency.
"We’re proud to partner with Photon Health to ensure critical medication is fulfilled as efficiently as possible,” said Bruno Van Tuykom, CEO & Co-Founder of Twentyeight Health.
Stu, former CEO & Founder of Zipdrug, joins Photon to accelerate enterprise growth.
DH100 recognizes companies that have helped make New York the capital of healthcare innovation.
Photon helped Sesame reduce Rx support requests by 71% and deliver new programs, including a partnership with a Fortune 500 company.
As patients, we know the pain of a bad pharmacy experience. We created Photon to help.
Photon unlocked Found’s ability to meet patients' evolving medication needs while enabling providers to focus on care.